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By May 31, 2025, River City Church will take 1000 active steps for redemptive good in Northeast and all of life. An active step for redemptive good is an intentional act of partnership with Jesus to foster healing, justice, and welfare in our community. This may require new rhythms to our lives, but we also want to see how this integrates into the places God has already called us to invest.

Six Expressions of Redemptive Good

  1. Pray Expectantly
    Praying for someone you resent, prayer walks in a Northeast neighborhood, praying for your neighbors, etc.
  2. Invest Relationally
    Hosting a neighbor for a meal, playdates with unbelievers from school, hosting a neighborhood event, etc.
  3. Serve Justly
    Volunteering with a community organization, advocating for someone in the workplace, helping someone overcome a barrier, etc.
  4. Steward Your Calling
    Doing excellent work, growing in your understanding of how your work serves the common good, using your personal skills to bless others, etc.
  5. Listen with Empathy
    Asking someone about their belief system, trying to understand someone's motivations and worldview, asking someone about their perspective on Jesus and/or the Bible, etc.
  6. Speak the Good News
    Sharing about the good news of Jesus and/or God's faithfulness in your life with a friend, neighbor, or co-worker, etc.

Capturing Moments of Redemptive Good

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Capturing Moments of Redemptive Good

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Capturing Moments of Redemptive Good

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Capturing Moments of Redemptive Good

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Capturing Moments of Redemptive Good

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We would love to hear stories of the ways you have partnered with Jesus to bring redemptive good to your community.

Share your story with us ›

We have commissioned Nate Grabrian to paint a painting inspired by the initiative that we will turn into a 1000 piece puzzle over the course of the year as a way of visually seeing the progress.

If you took an active step of redemptive good, drop a puzzle in the container on a Sunday morning at the resource table. One piece will be added to the puzzle for every piece dropped.